shell shaker grader 3 sieves
Technical datathe oysters shell shaker graDer (ref 0434) enables the sorting of shells thanks to 3 Different aDaPteD mesh screens.
a Version With sPeeD Variator is also aVailable (ref 04340).
3 Washing ramPs ensure an oPtimum cleaning of oys- ters During their screening.
the shell shaker grader is provided with a set of stainless or galvanized steel sieves. Various sizes of sieve meshes are also available as an option to best fit With your production.
galVanizeD sieVes are aVailable from 5 to 60 mm, at 5mm interVals.
stainless steel sieVes can be ProViDeD from 3 to 20mm. other Dimensions anD siDe rubber striPs are also aVailable on DemanD.
The optional set of 4 self-locking wheels al- lows the move of the device to where needed
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